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Geodezja w komórce z systemem Android
Autor: geoGPS, data: 2011-08-24 15:24:25 Liczba odwiedzin: 11793

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18-10-2013 22:05
Miałem ten programik w galaxy chat niestety dokładności wskazania współrzędnych były na poziomie około +- 3m a pod drzewami nawet 8m co jest dużo większym błędem do deklarowanego błędu na poziomie około 1 metra. Poza tym działa fajnie we wszystkich używanych układach odniesienia 65, 2000, 1992, WGS 84
15-08-2013 00:49
gkk2JmkFLL: Sakshi,Relax. True love will win. God is making you both <a href="http://ddjpvfcs.com">unnaestrdd</a> need for each other by giving such tests. This it the time you have to stand by him solidily. Loss can not be undone but we can try to be strong to bear it.Take care
13-08-2013 23:47
q1BjbqWlpAI1: Umm, I don't know how much in love you are, or how long you've been together, or even how tiumaatrc the past has been, but what I do know is that, bad times never go away permanently if you simply look at them as some divine test by god and wait for them to pass, they need action. Best of luck. http://bwuycgne.com qhubyxtfgn [link=http://iwyzxfkfs.com]iwyzxfkfs[/link]
13-08-2013 04:36
qOYyiZNWjr: Such still and peaceful <a href="http://viqpenjvd.com">imegas</a>. They are all lovely, Irene. I'm already missing the blooming trees, but summer is coming fast and there will be many more blooms. Thank you for sharing your vision.
12-08-2013 16:04
XJMgrfPb: features the Ribbon, a new device that penrests commands organized into a set of tabs, instead of traditional menus and toolbars. The tabs on the Ribbon display the commands that are most relevant for each of the task areas in the applications.Office 2007 system you have installed the Compatibility Pack. You then try to use one of the following Microsoft Office programs to open a program to save the file.
07-12-2011 12:02
u mnie link nie działa
GośćPortalu, nie trzymaj w sobie emocji i daj im upust pisz±c , co s±dzisz na ten temat...
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